Working Pixel Unity Tools Documentation
General Tools window
Editor Window:
The main editor window can be accessed from the WP Tools Menu. WP Tools -> Main Editor Widow. This will create the window or set the focus to the editor window if already created.
Window Functionality:
The Main editor window is comprised of sub-tool segment. Currently there are 4 segments: Editors, Alignment, Grouping, and Create. See below for in-depth documentation for each segments specific tools.
Auto Condensed:
The window will automatically condense if the window is horizontally scaled past a set point. This allows the editor window to fit into many Unity layout configurations with ease, while not taking up a lot of screen space. By default the condensed state is triggered when the window is smaller than 125 pixels wide. This value can manually be changed ( windowSideCondensed ) within wpTools.cs.
Auto Detect Additional Editors:
The editors section will auto detect any additional custom editor windows scripts added or removed from the project. A button will be created for each editor window script that is found in the project folder. Currently this function searches the project folder by the keyword of “wp_”. For example if "wp_NewToolWindow.cs" was added to the project a new button would appear allowing quick access to additional custom editor windows without having to navigate through menus.
This function can be turned off in the settings section. It is recommended to be turned off on slower machines.
Align Tools:
Align Origin: (Hotkey: none) Moves all selected objects to ( 0, 0, 0 ) of the current scene.
Align Local: (Hotkey: “ shift + S “) Moves all selected objects to ( 0, 0, 0 ) under their current parent object.
Align Grid: (Hotkey: “ S ”) Moves all selected objects to the nearest gird increment. This is based off the Unity Snap Settings.
Align Options:
Position: Alignment will occur on each axis selected ( X, Y, Z ).
This allows for a wide range of alignment possibilities: for example only vertical or horizontal alignment.
Rotation: Alignment will occur on each rotational axis selected ( X, Y, Z ).
By default rotation alignment is turned off but this can be useful if desired rotations need to be set to a specific